Seed have been working with Alfresco for many years and have experienced all of the iterations of Alfrescos browser based apps to date. This Blog discusses the history of frameworks used and the latest announcement on the use of Angular2 for future Alfresco based applications. History We were around for version 1.0 of Alfresco when […]
Alfresco 5.1 Model Manager
With the release of Alfresco 5.1 we saw two main functions added to the system, the ability to create Content Models from within Share and Smart Folders. Smart Folders are driven mainly by the use of metadata and searches so require Content Models (see our blog on Smart Folders). This blog will look at how […]
Alfresco Smart Folders and Contract Management
With the release of Alfresco 5.1, Alfresco brought in the much awaited Smart Folders feature. A Smart Folder is a virtual folder which does not physically exist in the Alfresco Repository and whose content is dynamically populated based upon search queries run whenever it is accessed. This allows us to show documents in multiple virtual […]
Fixing Broken Site dashboard
Alfresco User and Site Dashboard The alfresco user dashboard is the out of the box landing page when a user successfully logs in Alfresco Share and the alfresco site dashboard is default entry point in a Share site. Down the years working with alfresco, a few times we came across issues with user or site […]
Semantic Content Management for Alfresco
On every project we are involved with there always comes a time to discuss the ontology required for the information and processes that are being managed. An ontology allows you to categorise your information based on the business realm it is relevant for. This enhances user productivity through accurate, metadata based content discovery and process […]
Alfresco Certificate Based SSO
Alfresco Certificate Based SSO In the past few weeks, two of our customers requested us to implement a certificate based Single Sign On (SSO) for Alfresco. So we thought it would be good idea to write a blog about it. Before we get into details of setting certificate based SSO for Alfresco, let us have […]