In our previous blog, we described how to set up an EKS Cluster and other resources such as the EFS volume and Nginx-Ingress service/controller and in this blog we are going to show how to deploy ACS using the default Alfresco Helm charts. This creates all the required containers (and pods) to support a demo ACS environment which includes postgres container and solr all running on the same worker node.
Creating a Secret Docker Pull registry
In order to be able to use private Enterprise-only Docker images from, we need to create a docker registry pull secret. We advise to carry out the steps to get the base64 value for your dockercfg on a local computer as docker is not installed on the bastion server.
Log in to with your credentials:
#docker login
Generate a base64 value for your dockercfg using one of the following methods. This will allow Kubernetes to access
#cat ~/.docker/config.json | base64
Create a file on the Bastion server with the following content
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: quay-registry-secret type: data: # Docker registries config json in base64 - to do this, run: # cat ~/.docker/config.json | base64 .dockerconfigjson: base64-string from previous command
Deploy the secret into the EKS cluster:
kubectl create -f secrets.yaml –namespace $DESIREDNAMESPACE
Adding the Alfresco Helm Chart Repos
Next step is to add the Alfresco helm charts repos;
#helm repo add alfresco-incubator #helm repo add alfresco-stable
Deploying the Alfresco Helm Chart
And finally, we can deploy the Alfresco helm charts by running the following script. Just to recap, the following are required for deploying the Alfresco helm charts
- Cluster Namespace (DESIREDNAMESPACE): alfresco-dev
- ELB DNS (EXTERNALHOST) created by the nginx-ingress
- EFS volume dns (EFS_Server)
- Registry Secret name
echo "Setting acs environment variables..."
export DESIREDNAMESPACE="alfresco-dev"
export ALF_ADMIN_PWD="$(printf %s 'mypassword' | iconv -t UTF-16LE | openssl md4 | awk '{ print $2}')"
export EFS_SERVER=""
export ALF_DB_PWD="alfresco"
echo "Deploying alfresco-content-services charts..."
helm install alfresco-stable/alfresco-content-services \
--set externalProtocol="https" \
--set externalHost="$EXTERNALHOST" \
--set externalPort="443" \
--set repository.adminPassword="$ALF_ADMIN_PWD" \
--set alfresco-infrastructure.persistence.efs.enabled=true \
--set alfresco-infrastructure.persistence.efs.dns="$EFS_SERVER" \
--set alfresco-search.resources.requests.memory="2500Mi",
alfresco-search.resources.limits.memory="2500Mi" \
--set alfresco-search.environment.SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms2000M -Xmx2000M" \
/repository-data" \
--set"$DESIREDNAMESPACE/alfresco-content-services/solr-data" \
--set postgresql.postgresPassword="$ALF_DB_PWD" \
--set postgresql.persistence.subPath="$DESIREDNAMESPACE/alfresco-content-services
/database-data" \
--set registryPullSecrets=quay-registry-secret \
echo "Deploying alfresco-content-services charts... Done"
Checking and monitoring the deploy
The following command can be used to check the status of deployed pods
kubectl get pods –namespace alfresco-dev
We can use the following command to tail the alfresco log
Kubectl log –f alf-repo-pod-name – namespace alfresco -dev
Accessing ACS
Assuming that the setup succeeded, ACS can be accessed using the following url;
- Share: https://$aws-elb-dns/share
- Alfresco: https://$aws-elb-dns /alfresco
- Api-Explorer: https://$aws-elb-dns /api-explorer
In this blog we updated the default helm charts from Alfresco to deploy within the cluster we created in the previous blog. Using EKS Kubernetes we deployed the helm charts which resulted in a fully functioning ACS environment on a single worker node. Separate containers (pods) were created to manage the content services and transformation services and wired together using an activeMq container. A Solr 6 container was created for search services. This is accessed by the alfresco content service containers using a service configured in the helm charts. A PostgresSQL container was created to manage the DB and the contentstore is accessed via an EFS volume (similar to the concept of a NAS) to store the content for the repository. In our next blog we will explore the changes required to use AWS S3 to store content and an RDS instance to manage the Alfresco DB.